09 June 2011

Before & After - A Healthy Vegan's Transformation

My Sister's Success Story
Jeanette has always been as stubborn and as "food Amish" as me.   It took Lex three years of leading by example to get me over to the light and I did the same for Jeanette.  My constant emails and in town interventions, reminders, healthy eating trips to LA with us ...then Jnet finally made the jump and lost 46lbs!!! 

Before: May 2008 -She was overly self conscious and constantly coming up with ways to hide the parts of he body she didn't like with clothing...

After: May 2011 - now the toast of the town!

Back to Before, we found this lonely photo that pretty much summed up how Jnet was feeling on the Standard American Diet. Like most of her peers she was headed down a statistically dangerous path.

Q:  What was your turning point?
A:  I was in Los Angeles visiting Lex & Kristin and they took me to hike up to the Griffith Observatory... I couldn't make it up the hill and broke down crying on the trail.  Lex wasn't too pleased, but Kristin calmly helped me see that it was time to change and I've never looked back.  Now I sell hiking boots!

Q:  How has your dating life changed?
A:  I went from rejection, dating a jobless guy who lives in his parents basement, to having a schedule so packed my dates know that it takes at least two weeks advanced notice to take me out!

Q:  How do your dates feel about the vegan/no oil healthy thing?
A:  The ones that are worth going on a second date with are really accommodating and seek out places they know I'll enjoy.

Q:  What would you say to others to help them hit the tipping point you did to create such a dramatic change in your life?
A:  Trust me, the person under the fat suit can't wait to get out.  I can rock any outfit I want.  Your appearance and confidence level plays a role in every aspect of your life, especially in relationships.  Nobody wants to date someone with a low self-worth, and that is what the Standard America Diet gave me.


Unknown said...

Please note that in these pictures i had already been a vegetarian for a year! Cheese, oils and more dairy was really holding me back!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You both look great. Congratulations, Jnet! BTW, love reading this blog and getting ideas for meals. Keep up the good work.


quarrygirl said...

wow, jnet!! you look AMAZING! what an inspiration. <3

Ang said...

In the first before picture, Jnet looks just like her Mother!

Anonymous said...

Both of you....

Whitney said...

By the way, I love your blog... I've been a vegan for years but a newly converted "healthy vegan" after reading your blog. And I have to say, I've never felt better! I'm trying to motivate my sister to do the same and this article definitely made an impression. You both are gorgeous, thanks for writing!

TanyaS. said...

WOW!!!! I made the decision to switch to a Vegan diet tomorrow, June 23rd! I found this blog at the RIGHT TIME! Thanks for sharing! Beautiful and Inspiring Transformation indeed! Can't wait for the real me to shed this extra weight!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much younger you look after losing the weight! Such an inspiration!

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