20 April 2010

I hate Earth Balance, please vegans stop using it!

Its a toss up on any given day what I find more repulsive, fake meat (like Match Meats) or Earth Balance.  Both are cancer and obesity fuel.  Neither belong in any diet, unless you're a compassionate carnivore, which if you can read this post you may be compassionate, but I assure you, you are not a carnivore.

Enjoy!  The Earth ImBalanced Monster!!!!  RAAAWWWWWWWRRRRR


Unknown said...

LMAO!!! :-D

Unknown said...

that monster looks like me when i was a cheeseatarian!

mernbird said...

do you have an alternate suggestion for a toast spread? thanks!

Lex said...

Beans! Baked Butter Nut Squash. If you're eating toast that means you're not worried about weight loss & are just maintaining a healthy weight so you can use jams, too. mashed banana. Garlic. Mashed chic peas (low fat hummus) corn butter, apple butter. soup. Mustard. Marmalade. Spicy low fat mash potatoes. Tomatoes.

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