07 August 2010

The 4 F's of Cancer and how to lessen your chances

  I've been on a long journey toward understanding cancer.  When I read the The China Study a few years ago clarity finally came after many bogus paths.  In talking with trial lawyers hoping to promote class action lawsuits against cancer peddlers I came up with this simple causation talk, called "The 4 F's of Cancer".

  Right now we go after #1, Tobacco, Medications, Toxic Exposures, Asbestos, but as seen with low rates of lung cancer in high smoking areas #1 alone doesn't cause cancer, cancer is a system wide breakdown with steps 2 (Fuel) and 3 (Foolery) as much at fault as #1 and even more when Fire, Fuel & Foolery come in the same package - high fat dairy products laced with growth hormones and environmental toxins such as pesticides, high fat lunch meats covered in preservatives, etc.  

  Tobacco got the short end of the stick in my humble opinion.  Some attorney who's lost enough loved ones to cancer will read The China Study and go after these bastards once and for all sooner or later.  Until then maybe my 4 F's of Cancer will help people understand the simple premise by which cancer overtakes our system that was designed to handle cancer.


quarrygirl said...

i never understand why people talk about how healthy japanese people are due to their diet.

granted, i have never been to japan...but every japanese restaurant in LA is filled with steak, chicken, oil, and fish. even the healthy vegan restaurant, shojin, has dishes bases around oil, fried stuff, and fake mayo.

i'm not trying to argue, i just wanna know what is so healthy about this kind of cuisine. or, do they do it differently over there?

Lex said...

what we have here is americanized japanese foods or westernized. Traditionally, Japanese people eat simple rice based dishes, rice was the currency for a long time. They are switching rapidly to the western diet and getting fat and sick and catching up quickly with other affluent country's disease rates. Its not uncommon for grandparents in Japan to attend their grandchildren's funerals...

quarrygirl said...

ooooh i figured that may be what it is, that we have just been americanizing the japanese food. ah, it's sad...our palates are changing for the worse.

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