If you ever want to hang out with The Healthy Vegans we hardly ever miss Sushi Happy Hour at Sushi Roku in Santa Monica on Saturday 4:30 to 6:30pm (its everyday times vary) The veggie rolls are $5 and we get about three orders each. The nice thing about the veggie rolls is that they don't have avocado in them (makes them less expensive to produce). Chaya has sushi happy hour, too, but they throw a fit about taking the avocado out.
Yes we eat all of this and don't gain an ounce! Only fat stores as fat, rice and veggies are starchy fuel that don't turn to fat no matter how much you eat! If that wasn't true we'd be cows and so would all of japan, china, india, indonesia, and the rest of asia! Nope they are the trimmest healthiest people on the planet via white rice!!! Rely on your own eyes and not health lies!

Yes we eat all of this and don't gain an ounce! Only fat stores as fat, rice and veggies are starchy fuel that don't turn to fat no matter how much you eat! If that wasn't true we'd be cows and so would all of japan, china, india, indonesia, and the rest of asia! Nope they are the trimmest healthiest people on the planet via white rice!!! Rely on your own eyes and not health lies!
Loved how you talked about rely on eyes, not health lies. I was reading this in google reader & right below your blog post was an add for Suzanne Summer's diet, LOL.
I do have a weight issue...were you ever overweight & lost it on a low fat vegan diet?
sushi happy hours are the best. sushi kushi imai on wilshire has one, and they offer a brown rice option...
@Cat, absolutely. I ate nothing but fast food for over a decade and was in bad shape. Dr. McDougall saved my life.
@quarrygirl let's hit up one of the sushi happy hour together some time soon!
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