I've been reading about Mendocino Farms for a few years and finally made it to their newer Marina Del Ray location today. Its nearly impossible to spot with a poorly designed sign that is hidden behind a tree, but its about next to the Starbucks. They politely greet you in line and take your order. We hacked the soyrizo vegan wrap subtracting the soyrizo, vegenaise and adding a bean mix along with a cabbage mix. The vegan tortilla seems a bit fatty/flaky so next time we'll try a vegan bread. Don't forget the chipotle sauce! Also, ask them not to spray your burrito or sandwich with oil before pressing it!

Easy Vegan Lasagna Soup
11 months ago
did they have the vegan shwarama when you were there?! it's baked falafel...really good.
BTW, speaking of menu hacking, check out hugo's again! they have a new "build a bowl" option where you can get brown rice, oil-free hot beans, and steamed vegetables. plus, they have loads of oil-free sauces.
Have you folks written a guide to "hacking" that I've missed. If not - please consider it. You seemed to have made it an art form.
I eat low fat plant based at home - but when we go out I cave if there aren't any obvious selections.
Thanks for the inspiration.
I'll work on a guidance post. I wrote a chapter in my upcoming book about it, though. The biggest thing is just mustering up the courage to ask and doing it in a polite method. "Its ok if you can't, but I have a bad reaction when I eat anything with oil in it, so I was wondering if you could ask the chef if there is anything he can boil/steam/bake for me" is a good start.
upcoming book?!?! WHAT WHAT?
@qg. Vegans will prob never see it! Its for fooling carnies into eating healthy :)
@qg you've been hittin' up this place like Crazy on foursquare..lol:D
High maintenance!!!!
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