22 October 2011

Healthy Road Trip'n : Mint Tulip Vegan Cafe in Albuquerque, NM

I've driven through Albuquerque, NM many times and never stopped until now!  The vegan selections were never enough to warrant a departure from the highway.  Mint Tulip Vegan Cafe opened recently and now provides a delightful destination for weary and hungry westward travelers.  The decor is a Southern Diner hijacked by tattoo'd pin up models with a penchant for minty colors. 
We couldn't pass up the Lemonade or purple potato salad nicoise!  All oil free with fresh green beans!  We just used a little balsamic and hot sauce.  It was an extra hot day, so we had a little Chicago Soy Dairy Soft Serve to go! 
They bring out the dishes in these little baking trays! 

Mint Tulip
Vegan Cafe in Albuquerque, NM.
2110 Central SE 87106 (505) 242-1320
Hours: Mon-Sat 10-4 Fri until 9pm

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