31 October 2012

Nutty Bean Co's Chic Pz's are AMAZING!

Finding a non-deadly snack is NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE!  On a recent trip to San Francisco I was perusing the aisles Rainbow Grocery trying to avoid the temptation of vegan donuts and stumbled upon these no-oil dry roasted chic pea snacks from Nutty Bean Co!  They are not only low in fat, but simply amazing!  The Chai Vanilla are a true stand out.   Unfortunately, I can't get these in the Los Angeles area, but Mother's Markets has them to the south of me.  For now you can order a sampler pack on Amazon .  One flavor includes honey, it would make a nice gift for a non-vegan friend.


Anonymous said...

I respect these chickpeas.

quarrygirl said...

just ordered 6 packs of chipotle flavor on amazon! nom.

Lex said...

you are going to LOVE the chipotle flavor. I'm going to keep pestering them until they find a supermarket here that will carry them!

quarrygirl said...

the chipotle is amaaaaazing. thanks so much for this find!

Lex said...

no prob! I need to get one of the grocery stores here to carry them!

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